
The exclusive virtual hedge fund experience for aspiring investors
Step into a seat at the world's only virtual Hedge Fund. Drawn from the operating methods of top investment managers, we'll show you ways of identifying opportunities, looking at information, analyzing companies and managing your portfolio that aren't available elsewhere.
A brand new concept from a hedge fund veteran, HedgQuarters
takes online investing sites to a new level. Its not about another
set of statistics being thrown at you. Instead, a membership is
the closest experience to having your own seat at one
of the world's top firms. We support your investing
with institutional grade training, investment
process, information, data visualizations and a
community of other talented portfolio managers
running alongside you with ideas &

Welcome to HedgQuarters
Why do the sharpest investing minds globally operate Hedge Funds? Because the unconstrained nature of Hedge Fund strategies provide the greatest opportunity to maximize wealth across market conditions.
HedgQuarters is unique concept for investors as we put you inside a virtual Hedge Fund so you can learn and employ these same strategies in your investing.
Launched by an awarded Hedge Fund veteran, Andy West, PhD, who now invests solely for his own family office, a HedgQuarters membership is designed to give you the experience of walking in the door of a top investment manager where you are surrounded by institutional grade training, a proven investment process & tools, and a community of other talented investors to engage with while running your own portfolio.
Having built successful investment teams across multiple countries, we know that sustainable returns over the long term requires education in institutional grade investment process & techniques, a good team around you and quality information. Becoming a member of HedgQuarters delivers this in the same way you experience it in a real firm - through practical training that you can apply at the same time as you pursue your investments.

Hedge Fund Academy
Training & Playbooks
Access at any time the Hedge Fund Academy library of practical training and reference materials. Called Playbooks they teach, clearly & simply, how to employ the best Hedge Fund process.
Access the proven "CIVC" idea generation process, stock price forecasting techniques for better opportunity identification and assessment, position & portfolio management techniques for different market conditions, hedging, risk management and even Fund marketing for those seeking to build their own firm.
Continually refined and added to as market conditions change, these materials are designed to give you an edge in generating returns.
Uber Desktop
For the vast majority of investors, institutional systems like Bloomberg are out of reach. To support the application of the techniques you are introduced to, we have brought together the best investing & research tools from across the web, all in one place.
No longer do you need to remember all the corners of the internet where you can find single insights for your idea generation and portfolio management. This is the very best of tools we have tested to ensure you can apply all Hedge Fund strategies just as if you had institutional systems that cost tens of thousands of dollars a year per seat.
We invite you to join an exclusive club of talented investors
The secretive world of Hedge Funds now opened to you
Process is a superpower that you deserve
Exclusive tools that make opportunities obvious
Surround yourself with the smartest investors and you can only benefit. HFA's Investors Only is not just another market information website. Just like any great investment firm, we emphasize team and people first and seek to stand apart for the quality of investors we surround you with as a member. Members engage with each other on a daily basis to add value to decision making - exploring ideas, researching, learning techniques and supporting one another's investment journey.
By joining you connect with a community of investors that share the goal of building seven figure investment accounts. This is a clear indication of the passion and dedication for investing that you are about to experience. We aim to enable achievement of your goals by immersing talented investors with an enriched environment of ideas and exclusive institutional grade training, guidance and resources.

Join the "A" team
Investors Only is very different. We don't see ourselves as a website. Instead, Investors Only is totally unique online, having been built as a "Hedge Fund in the cloud". You bring the captial as portfolio manager of your own Strategy, while we provide you with all the training, tools, resources and support you would receive in the Top Investment Firms.
Hedge Funds, while secretive, are world renowned for attracting the sharpest investment minds. This is due to their broad investment mandates and ability to employ all investing tools in achieving returns for their clients. The concept of the Hedge Fund Academy's Investors Only is to teach you and support you to BE the Hedge Fund. These are skills, techniques and knowledge you wont find anywhere else.
The Academy's founder, Andy West PhD, [bio] is a veteran of the hedge fund industry, receiver of numerous industry awards and has created Investors Only under this model to open the power of Hedge Fund techniques to all investors. We only succeed if you achieve your investment goals.
Click Now to Join

Master skills others
don't have
As the saying goes, "give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to fish and you'll feed them for a lifetime".
This philosophy is core to the top investment firms around the globe as well as Investors Only. When top firms recruit new talent, they do NOT sit them in front of a computer and throw data at them like the investment websites you know well. Information systems are the least of the value equation top firms offer new team members.
Instead, top firms start by educating you in investment process. This is the SUPERPOWER of investing. Its the difference between a one hit wonder and a sustainable track record of returns that can be replicated over decades.
At HFA's Investors Only we are unique online in being investment PROCESS led rather than investment information led. You receive access to the Academy's entire educational repertoire organized into a cohesive and structured program that you can follow at your own pace while putting the techniques to work in real time. This is all anchored by Andy West, PhD's exclusive "CIVC" investment process that was used throughout his career running hedge funds to achieve exceptional results in both rising a falling markets. The CIVC process opens your eyes to ideas to investment opportunities you wouldnt have identified before and avoid mistakes that previously may not have been recognized. These are reference resources you are able to refer back to as required over your investing journey and impart valuable skills for life. As we say:
"Once you learn it, you can't unlearn!"

Learn CIVC process
Process plus bespoke tools become your EDGE. Building upon
A recap on the unique value of an HFA Investors Only membership:
Being part of an exclusive community of talented portfolio managers every day.
Immersion in a Hedge Fund like environment. Many of the benefits of joining a top firm with the flexibility of still being an independent investor.
Practical training in previously confidential Hedge Fund techniques that expand your investment abilities
The process superpower: Learn practical application of the CIVC process to identify and analyze the attractiveness of opportunities.
Bespoke tools that make application of the process quick and efficient for your day to day opportunity assessment.